Big in the eighties and back with a resurgence are these 'small but mighty' fashion accessories we once loved in the 80s! Some call it 'flair button' and others 'button badge' or 'button badge pin'--well, call it what you will, our unique retro button badge pins are definitely unique and exclusive to Mic Moc! Most of our designs are inspired by our collection of vintage ephemera, out-of-print publications and junking finds! You'll love collecting them and pinning them on your journals (including Traveler's Notebook journals, junk journals, fabric pencil cases, back packs, dungarees, denim jackets, just about everywhere we can think of, really!)
©2024 Mic Moc. Designed exclusively for Mic Moc. Made in Australia.
Button Badge - Unique collectable vintage-inspired button badges featuring some of our vintage girl series!...
Button Badge (Dennisons-inspired) 'Classic Set C' - We love our Dennisons labels as ephemera but...
Button Badge (Dennisons-inspired) 'Retro Set B' - We love our Dennisons labels as ephemera but...
Button Badge (Dennisons-inspired) 'Antique Set A' - We love our Dennisons labels as ephemera but...
Button Badge 'Clarks Thread Spool Label Set C' (Vintage Sewing series)糸巻きラベル - Unique collectable vintage-inspired...
Button Badge 'J & P Coats Thread Spool Label Set B' (Vintage Sewing series)糸巻きラベル -...
Button Badge 'Singer Thread Spool Label Set A' (Vintage Sewing series)糸巻きラベル - Unique collectable vintage-inspired...
Button Badge 'Buttermilk Milk Set F' (milk cap series) - Have fun with these milk...
Button Badge 'Skim Milk Set D' (milk cap series) - Have fun with these milk button...
Button Badge 'Raw Milk Set C' (milk cap series) (Vintage Milk Caps) - Plenty to...
Button Badge 'Dairy Milk Set B' (Vintage Milk Caps) - You'll love these vintage-inspired dairy...
Button Badge 'Milk Delivery Set A' (Vintage Milk Caps) - One-of-a-kind vintage-inspired button badges featuring...
Button Badge Campbells Soup'Set D' - These unique vintage-inspired button badges featuring the iconic Campbells...
Button Badge 'Heinz Soup Set C' - These unique vintage-inspired button badges featuring Heinz Soup...
Button Badge 'Sunbeam Bread Girl Set E' - These unique vintage-inspired button badges featuring the...
Button Badge 'Jell-O Set B' - These unique vintage-inspired button badges featuring Jell-O Box, Elkay...
Button Badge 'Quaker Oats Set A' - These unique vintage-inspired button badges featuring Quaker Oats...