This monthly planner is a great choice if you love jotting down appointments, events and reminders on calendars and bringing it with you everywhere in your Traveler's Notebook.
For those who prefer to keep track of their monthly schedules and events at a glance, there's no better way to organise your month than this refill notebook.
The printed boxes allow you to customise your calendar freely as it is left to you to fill in the dates whenever you wish to begin using this refill. Start on any day or date!
Sewn-bound with a Kraft paper cover, writing is a real joy especially using a fountain pen on the fine quality MD paper; the original signature paper of Midori, designed to be feather-proof and bleed-proof, hence fountain pen friendly.
You will receive a:
Monthly Schedule (14 months), Blank pages, World map; 48 pages in total
MD Paper (Sewn-Bound)
H210 x W110 x D40mm
''TRAVELER’S COMPANY”, “TRAVELER’S notebook” and “TRAVELER’S FACTORY” is a trademark of Designphil Inc.